






We work in the textile industry, and in this industry, the made-to-order style of manufacturing had been the sole norm for over 50 years.
Within the process of making fabric, there had been little room in which to add our own ideas.
Companies would manufacture only what their customers had ordered,
and only products that received the all-important “OK” would be distributed.
That was how the industry worked.

“Would a philosophy like this really work?”
“This sort of fabric has some charm, too. It’s interesting, isn’t it?”

Then, we stepped outside the boundaries of the contemporary conventional wisdom, and one simple fabric was born.
The creation of that fabric is our calling card, and it has become our message to the world.
That fabric marked the first time we put the name “DK” on the tag.
Fabrics that we thought were neat, fabrics that we wanted to make into clothing,
fabrics that only we could make; we have always believed that we have a duty to put the DK tag on all of these fabrics,
and to present them to the world.


Our brand History
創業以来、アパレルメーカーからの指示のもとで実直に生地作りに励んできた私たちが、はじめてオリジナルブランドとして世に出したのは、1990年代の後期に製造した「ヴィンテージ」でした。「新品でもヴィンテージの古びた風合いが出せる服を作りたい」という顧客のニーズから生まれたヴィンテージは、現在の人気シリーズに成長しています。その後も、「Rudeback®」「natural dyed」「ddw®」などの人気商品を、地元の職人たちと共に生み出し続けています。
From the moment our company was founded, we endeavored earnestly to make fabrics according to the directions given to us by apparel manufacturers.
The first fabric that we offered to the world under our own brand was the Vintage, which we first produced in the late 1990s. The Vintage was created in response to demand from our customers for a fabric that would allow them to make clothing that, although new, would have a classic, vintage feel. Today, the Vintage has grown to become a popular line in its own right. Since creating the Vintage, we have continued to develop popular products in tandem with local craftspeople. These include the Rudeback®, as well as our ddw® and natural dyed products.


Our Craft
That they are made with care by the craftspeople of Enshu-Hamamatsu is not the only feature that distinguishes DK products from a technical standpoint.
Their most appealing characteristic of all is the depth of emotion with which our craftspeople make them.
Added to our craftspeople’s technical instincts, which themselves come from years of experience, are their love for, and pride in, textile manufacturing.
Fabrics made by craftspeople are like food, and much as the flavors of a venerable restaurant could never be reproduced on a whim,
a craftsperson’s techniques cannot simply be conjured up by another person. Without both skill and intuition,
developed over many years, it would not be possible to make the fabrics of the DK brand.


Our Future
私たちが考えるDKの将来は、皆が幸せになること。私たちは「暗い所からは何も生まれない」ということを知っています。上下関係のある経済や、囲い込みのある経済は発展しないと思っています。 それぞれが磨きあって、遠州浜松の繊維業を活気づけることが、一番良いあり方だと考えています。
The future that we envision for DK is one in which everyone prospers. We know that nothing worth making comes from gloom.
We feel that hierarchical and closed-off economies cannot flourish.
We believe that the best thing we can do is to do our part in breathing life into the textile industry of Enshu-Hamamatsu,
with all involved helping one another to grow.
For that very reason, all of us who are involved in textile manufacturing at DK hope to provide ever greater value.
Putting our energy and focus into fabrics is our role in life, and that is why we work to give form to the happiness that we,
as the DK brand, can provide.


Our fabric
私たちが『DK』のブランドを冠して提供する生地は、ddw®、リュードバックなどの染め技術によって独自の面感と風合いを表現した「無地染め」のほか、 遠州織物を中心とする「先染め」や「プリント」を用いて作られています。
The types of fabric that we offer under the DK brand name include plain-dyed fabrics, dyed using techniques such as “ddw®” and “Rude Back,” as well as largely Enshu Weaving-based offerings such as “Front Dyeing” and printing.
We invite you to enjoy the texture of natural materials that cannot be reproduced by a machine.



The natural-looking dyeing and texture gives a feeling not quite like any other fabric in the world.



The use of special dyes with this technique results in hues that begin to fade bit by bit each time the fabric is washed, allowing you to enjoy a unique faded feel.



A process in which fabric dyed using the Rude Back method is subjected to an additional special wash, giving it a true DK brand feel.

natural dyed


A process in which the fabric is slowly dyed over time so as to cause as little damage to the natural fibers as possible.



Thorough dyeing of thick fabrics requires the use of strong chemicals, but the Vintage process makes no use of these whatsoever.



Enshu front-dyed fine yarn count fabrics, famous even outside of Japan, are woven to the highest standard.



“The majority of DK stencil-dyed products feature sculpture, and we hope you will see and feel the sense of the sculptors in their beautiful lines.